Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thanks Guys

Dear Gang,
I want to thank all the Folks who voted for the Sandgram. I owe it all to Maj Pain at One Marines View for helping me out through the year and I say he is NUMBER ONE in the arena. Thanks to Momma Taco and DaNang Bell for telling me when to cool my jets on some of the posts and for Momma Taco on her editing. I have a real problem with present and past tense. I owe my wife for her patience when I should be painting the house and I’m typing but most of all, thank you guys for reading my stuff.
JP if you are out there at, thanks again for all your hard work right before you deploy.
As Forrest Gump said “That’s about all I’ll say about that”
Semper Fi,
P.S. I'm in 737 school now and will only be able to check my email every couple of days, so forgive me if I don't answer back right away.

Without further ado, the 2006 Milbloggie Winners are:

U.S. Army

Acute Politics

U.S. Air Force

Afghanistan Without a Clue

U.S. Navy

Doc in the Box

U.S. Marine Corps


U.S. Military (Veteran)

Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love

U.S. Civilian

Soldiers' Angels Germany

U.S. Military (Spouse)


U.S. Military (Parent)

Some Soldier's Mom

U.S. Military (Supporter)

Fuzzilicious Thinking